Friday, August 14, 2009

Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. ~Emily Brontë

The summer before I met Chris, I had been on a 4-H exchange trip to Colorado. Now this summer the 4-Hers we stayed with were coming to Minnesota. I had been matched up with Beth Oliver and she was great to hang out with. One of our activities after they got here was a night out at Torge's. It was a fun place to hang out. I invited Chris to come along that night and he escorted both Beth and I to the club. Beth, Melissa, Elaine and I tried to play a game of pool, but we had no skills to show off in front of my new boyfriend. It took us forever to get done playing. We danced some and then a slow song came on. Not necessarily one of my favorites, but one that got Chris out onto the dance floor. It was When a man Loves a Woman by Michael Bolton. We held hands until we got onto the dance floor and then did the stand and dance in a circle thing, with his arms around my waist, my arms around his neck. Not knowing what to do next. Do we stand apart? Do I put my head on his shoulder? Do we talk or just stare into eachothers eyes? Things are always so complicated when you are 16!

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